Friday, September 19, 2008

Ike Ilk

I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in Conroe, Texas which was hit hard by hurricane Ike. They do not expect their electricity to be on for several weeks. There is no gasoline in their area. He had to drive 70 miles to find gas for his generator.

He told me that there are groups bringing generators into the area and making a killing. But these generators are too small to power a whole house. Folks are hooking the generators up to their electrical boxes which actually endangers the power company people on the poles as they attempt to bring power back into the area. He says they run the risk of a surge coming back on them as they turn on the switches.

Instead of all the newspaper articles about FEMA's failings, write an article about the danger and risk residents put on people trying to do their jobs.

What about the folks who wouldn't evacuate and the expense on first responders compounded by rescue needs not to mention recovery? Do we have to demand instead of suggest folks evacuate? Or should we as a nation put declaimers on evacuation demands like - "If you do not evacuate, you will be billed for any need of rescue"?

I was told the officials in Galveston informed the people who wouldn't evacuate to write their social security number on their body with permanent marker to make their identification easier.

I would like to compare the cost to taxpayers for those who ride out the storm and then get into trouble versus housing evacuees.

This reminds me of preaching the gospel and conviction falling with people leaving out the back door. Safety is offered but rejected.

Almost being persuaded - some of the saddest words in the Bible.

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